Our first Trade Show
14 Jan 2015
This weekend sees Galloway Chillies attending Scotland’s Speciality Food Show 2015 and our very first trade event.
Scotland’s Speciality Food Show 2015 is in it's 8th year. The show runs for 3 days from 18th to 20th January at Glasgow’s SECC with 130 companies exhibiting all types of speciality food including gift food, bakery, cheese, cooked and cured meats, chutneys, preserves, oil and vinegars, herbs and spices, confectionery, tea and coffee, beers, spirits and cordials. There are also exhibitors who specialise in food presentation such as lighting, packaging, refrigeration etc.
You can find us in the launch gallery where the aim is to provide new companies who have strong ideas with a suitable platform to present their products to the market. In addition it provides retailers with an easy and simple way of discovering who the stars of the future might be. The Gallery uses a different stand fitting system to stand out from the rest of the show.
We will be at Stand LG37 within the Launch Gallery and look forward to seeing you there.
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